The pancreas is also located in the solar plexus region of our center energy. The pancreas produces both chemical and hormonal substances. It is responsible for creating the enzymes that break down proteins, fats, and carbs. When fats are not broken down properly by the liver, they can turn into gallstones which eventually land in the pancreas and cause pancreatic inflammation.
This is when the organ's enzymes have begun to attack its flesh out of habitual nature. In addition; genetics(cystic fibrosis), alcohol consumption, viruses, and some medications are also causes of acute pancreatitis. A lot of us know someone who has had this organ removed because of science's lack of knowledge of its functions. A dysfunction in the pancreas leads to malabsorption, maldigestion, and malnutrition.
The pancreas is also responsible for the production of hormones that regulate sugar in the bloodstream which is heavily associated with the function of the heart, kidneys, and brain. This organ is associated with disorders, ulcers, digestive disorders, diabetes, hypoglycemia, chronic fatigue, and disorders of the stomach, colon, and liver. The way we process our foods also has emotional effects and demeans our way of thinking about ourselves and outside issues. We were created with the nutrients and minerals of the earth. When we are malnourished we are disconnected from the source of life.
