Ether is space, stillness, that which contains and holds. Ether is the element that connects us to spirit, intuition, other realms, and planes. Energetic cords are deposits of energy you exchange with others during your interactions and or in relationships that keep you energetically connected through ether even after the transmission takes place. This is where the phrases "lasting impressions" and "life-long impacts" on others are derived. Empaths are most affected by carrying unnecessary and or stagnating etheric cords if they are not able to determine their energy from outside energies because they naturally pick up on energies in their environment. People who are not natural empaths are also subject to experiencing attachments in their daily interactions and are often more vulnerable to the effects of carrying outside energy. Most of us are familiar with the term cutting ties(cords) but when you look into the dynamics of energies and how they influence your aura field you begin to understand that cutting ties is an act of cleansing and protection.
Symptoms of energetic negative cord attachments are:
*Energy levels are depleted from your interactions and at random times throughout the day.
*Feelings of energies that aren’t your own, general lethargy, depression, unexplained sadness.
*Feelings of being stagnated or unable to make decisions.
*Obsessive thoughts about another person even if you no longer deal with them at all or they are hardly around.
*Speaking often about another person, often in a judgmental or deprecating way, and seeking to have a conversation about the person even though you don’t deal with the person anymore.
*Lowered immune function, frequent illness aches, and pains.
*Unhealthy habits and addictive behaviors, seeking comfort in excess such as smoking, binge eating, drinking, drugs, and even seemingly healthy habits such as over-exercising.
There is a misconception that these energetic cords have to be attached to lovers or romantic relationships. This is very deceiving. Energetic exchanges happen regardless of the dynamics of the relationship.
Signs of negative energy ties:
*Stagnation and or lack of growth in the relationship.
*Lack of reciprocity or a blatant “take” dynamic and little to no contribution to the relationship.
*Failure to progress after attempts to mend the relationship.
*Inability to let go or the relationship reappearing as if it is fate(it’s not).
*Repetitive scenarios and energies in relationships with different individuals.
*Blatant narcissistic behavior or disregard for your feelings or another’s.
*Your inability to do right by a person in a relationship even when you try.
*Your inability to stand up for yourself, set, and stick to your boundaries.
There is also a such thing as renewing cords or ties with those deserving of your energy. This is for undeveloped or stagnant relationships, relationships where things just genuinely didn’t work out but deserve another try, and or relationships that are loving but need healing. No matter if you’re cutting cords for good or renewing the shift of energy is necessary for you to progress.
Cutting energetic cords can be done through many methods that are accessible through google but the one I will focus on is mental. The reason I chose this method is that it can be used instantaneously. You can deny a person and or content and interact simultaneously by learning to block a person’s energy so that it never connects. You probably do it all the time and do not notice it. Have you ever flipped your radio station and almost broken the knob to turn from the music your aura rejected? You can simply not accept their energy or ignore their content. Another way is visualization. Imagine yourself connected to said person displayed in the picture below, speak your peace, give yourself permission to heal and move on, and visualize yourself cutting the cord. Give yourself time to sit in the new energy and you have successfully removed that energy from your aura. Having control over your being is true self-care. It is our responsibility to remain light in frequency so cleans your aura frequently.
If you need guidance or understanding regarding etheric cord cutting book an hour coaching session with us.
